You Just May Be a Packrat

>> Wednesday, April 7, 2010

As you may have gathered from my last few posts, we are gearing up for a garage sale.  (There is still time to join in the Thirty Days to a Garage Sale game by clicking on the community link in the lower right hand side of my blog.  Check it out!)  But, I digress.  In the process of preparing for this garage sale, I have created a set of clues that you or someone you love might be a packrat.

So, in true Jeff Foxworthy style, here are the top 10 signs that you might be married to a packrat (or are one yourself):

1. When you last moved, the movers said, "Oh my God."

2. You didn't feel it necessary to take a lot of stuff to Goodwill or the local dump.

3. You actually moved a box of unread newspapers.

4. You have ever looked into a bag or box and wondered when you bought/got *that*.

5. You identify your things by which grandparent owned them and where they got it.

6. You don't see anything wrong with a mattress older than you.

7. You think anything older than 50 years has *got* to be valuable.

8. Your parents and siblings use your house as their alternative to the garbage.

9. You've never (almost never) said "no" when someone says, "Would you like to have this?"

10. All the closests in your house are full to bursting, and you have no children.

The moral of this story is:  If two packrats get married, they had better buy a separate house for their stuff.


Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman September 22, 2010 at 2:11 PM  

Holy cow! Did you just jump into my nightmare or what? I could show you photos but my husband would kill me. Hmmmm??? Then he might have to deal with all his stuff by himself.

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