It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This -- Shout Out Time!

>> Monday, April 26, 2010

I love laughing, and I love reading.  What I love perhaps best of all is those moments when something makes me laugh out loud, literally, in a belly-holding, tears streaming down my face, I've totally lost control and can't talk moment.

I don't get those opportunities very often.  I had two, recently.  In one, I was telling my sister a story that I cannot find a way to blog about on the internet.  (Trust me, I've tried.)  I cracked myself up so hard I couldn't talk.

But ... sometimes what cracks me up doesn't go over so well with the internet blogging world.

Then, every once in a while, I find the gem -- another blogger who writes a post that makes me laugh so hard the neighbors can hear me and the cats start running. 

I recently discovered one such blog post, and I even mentioned the author two times before in my posts The Great Green Crayon Mystery and Catching up on a Little News for Blah, Blah, Blah Day.  The best part of all -- he's not only funny, he is PG enough for a Shout Out.  (Let's face it, there are something things I don't want to advertise that I find amusing...)

Anyway ... moving away from my questionable sense of humor, I would like to introduce you to John Cave Osborne, author of the blog And Triplets Make Six and the book Tales From the Trips (which you can purchase directly from John's website, and he will autograph it).

(Ahem ... I'm still in the process of ordering mine ... honest, John ... I do mean it ....)

John claims to be the spouse of a beautiful woman, the step dad of one charming daughter, and the father of toddler triplets, as well as the owner of a chocolate Lab. (That's a dog, not a chocolate invention place.)  I say "claims to be" because I've seen the pictures on his web page, and honestly, I think they are all models.  Well, maybe not the dog, but certainly John, his wife, and those four kids.  John, I can't believe a family that looks that good, healthy, rested, and frankly adorable can possibly all live together in the life you describe in your blog posts.  I only have ONE Toddler, and I haven't looked that good since before he was born.

Now, there is plenty to laugh about over on John's page, but the post that got me writing him to do a Shout Out is linked below.  I'm sure you'll love it ... but please don't forget to come back and see me once in awhile.

And Triplets Make Six-- Whiz Kids 


Jenni Chiu @MommyNaniBooboo April 26, 2010 at 5:28 PM  

Oh I will definitely have to check him out!
Triplets- yikes! I bow down...
I have one toddler, and I call it a win if I've brushed my teeth and showered.

Karin Kysilka May 5, 2010 at 1:05 PM  

I feel the same. And yet, I met this woman in the park today, 2 weeks post partum. She had her toddler and her infant with her, she had makeup on, and she looked rested. I think she was lying. At least one of those kids could not have actually belonged to her. Then again, maybe the kids were fake. Something.

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