Technical Schmecknical
>> Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Today, It's All Good If You Can Laugh is suffering from significant technical difficulties. Unfortunately, that means I, and this decrepit and limping computer, are suffering as well. Today's Wordless Wednesday post will not be appearing as a result of these difficulties. I'd describe it to you, but ... hey, it's a picture, and I'm sure you would rather see it than wade through my 1001 words to describe it.
In the meantime, I thought some of you might be intrigued to know that this blog has had over 9000 hits since its inception over a year ago. Of course, a large chunk of these would be me trying to edit it from various computers across the country, but I honestly think the overwhelming majority of the hits on my hit counter come from ... my mother.
Okay, okay, the cute little dots on the map below say that more people than my mother and I are logging in fairly routinely. I mean, I haven't even been to some of the places where the dots are. Thank you all for this. I hope I can continue to bring some happy chuckles to your day.
Just think. If I had one penny for each time someone surfed onto my page, no matter how briefly and accidentally, I would have about $90. Woah. Mom, I think you need to fork over some pennies. Hah! Right.
Moving back to reality -- Because today's previously scheduled blog post has been postponed, and because I will be spending the rest of today and possibly longer trying to get my computer to stop coughing and keep rolling, I thought I'd keep things very simple and provide you with a fun list. Don't worry -- today's list is not one I made up. It's one my readers made up. Today, I present you with a brief list of some of the search terms you, my readers, have used to find my blog according to Google:
1. National Blame Someone Else Day. (This one comes up a lot.)
2. Bill Cosby "if you can laugh at. (Not sure I get this one, especially the open but no end quotes.)
3. If you can laugh together you can work together. (I'm not sure how my blog came up with this search phrase either.)
4. Sofitng. (It was this search term that made me realize that I have misspelled that term in my post about home repair. In no other way could my blog have ranked so high with this term. Dang spell check. You let me down.)
Well, those are the search terms that people used this past week. Previous weeks have been actually funny, but I can't access those right now because I seem to have forgotten the right user name and password. I'm sure I actually have them carefully filed in my online email account, but if I were to open that right now we would never get this blog posted. I'm even having problems previewing this silly post to make sure I have engaged in no additional creative spelling or fat-fingered typing. At this point, I am feeling quite lucky that Blogger is letting me write anything at all. Already I've lost half this post and had to retype it (although I admit that had more to do with the creative programming of Google-based software than my computer). Some of you are groaning in sympathy. I can hear you. I hope you all appreciate the lengths I go to keep you entertained.
Ah, nuts. It's sunny, and Toddler wants to go to the pool. Hopefully the gremlins will have vacated the hard drive by the time I return.
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